Light up your moments with Ullo

There has been light…

Smart products have been on the market for a number of years, but only now are they really starting to take hold.

The idea behind Ullo arose when we saw a gap in the market: There was a lack of affordable smart lighting, which did not compromise on either quality or ease of use.

… and then there’s logo

Switch on your party mood

That amazing playlist you created for a Saturday night with some friends deserves some lighting to keep the company.

Turn on your Ullo lights and choose the right mode for the ocassion.

Light up on hygge

Switch to a cozy and warm light, as you like it, to relax and enjoy your hygge time (the bees approve).

The game is on

Wanna bring your gaming experience to the next level?

Let Ullo light up your gaming setup for an immersive experience.

(Winning is still up to you).

The brighter the smarter

Never underestimate the power of light.

Either at the office or working from home, brighten up your skills with Ullo's smart light.

What you get with Ullo…

light bulb
Quality product with a long life span
color cirlce
16 million different colors to set your mood
plug and play options
Flexible Plug & Play options
compatible devices
Compatible with other smart devices/apps
1 tree planted per product sold as a green initiative

Light up your mood with…

What Ullo’s users say…